Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 9th, 2011: First Meeting and First Event

Lesson one about being the unofficial blogger for your college's anime club?

Be there the first day.

Of course, like most people nowadays, I have other obligations, such as working. And I was at my second job, a summer only position as a shoesalesman. I had to work Nine AM to Two-thirty PM, and Anime Club started at Twelve-thirty PM to Two PM. So you can see the dilemma. Well, actually, part of the dilemma was that there was were two openings in the Anime Club Council: Treasurer and Secretary. What better way for the unofficial blogger for the club to be more involved?

I'm friends with the President and VP (Lizzy Smith and Cavan Gormley respectively). And two or three days ago, the supervisor for the club, Jane (sorry ma'am, if you're reading this. I have yet to remember your last name), came to our regular hang out spot in the Student Center to talk to Liz. I heard a mention from one of them that a secretary was needed for club. I had been wanting to be a bigger part of the club for a while, and as a writer it would be a breeze to observe and record. So I let them know I wanted to be the secretary. Liz -the president- expressed positive to the idea of it.

The problem was, I had to be nominated and I thought I had to be there for it.

For the day's schedule, September 9th, 2011, -and according to Liz- club went on as planned, welcoming old and new members back, rules had been re-told, and some videos were watched. I don't think acutal anime episodes were watched that day. I left work two-thirty something and got there around quarter of three. Liz and our resident artist Kaci were working on the poster for the face painting we were about to do. Three-thirty, we were on our way down to the school's main parking lot, which had been cleared for the event. I asked Liz about the secretary position and she told me I was the official secretary. I guess I didn't have to be there. But now that I requested all Fridays off, I should be good to go.

Side note: For most of the week, I thought the face painting was going to take place at the Adirondak Balloon Festival. Apparently, though, there was another smaller Balloon Festival that happens a few weeks before the bigger ABF and it is held at SUNY Adirondack. Kaci and I had no clue it was being held at the school, and apparently Liz was in the dark about the location until the night before or during the day before. So there was some confusion there, and it cleared up quick.

Anyway, for the first hour I was there, Kaci, Liz and I spent half of it softening and stirring the nine year old face paint that the school provided and had only one customer, a little girl who had Kaci paint a butterfly on her hand. Before she came, Kaci had drawn a rainbow collection of stars on the side of Liz's face and a Furyu Nemuneko cat plush on the back of my hand. I named him Craig. He lasted for almost six hours and he will be dearly missed. Kaci did a great job.

Unfortunately and luckily I was kidnapped to go grocery shopping and to get ready to spend the night (it's only lucky because my boyfriend and my friend came to kidnap me ^-^) at a friend's house. Her name is Ebonie, and she is so awesome :) Actually, all my friends are awesome and I love them. Later that night when I saw Kaci and Liz, they both had orange stained fingers. Apparently, it had gotten really busy after I had left and they had requests from the little-uns to do tigers. A lot of tigers were painted that day.

I leave you now with the reminder that you should be there next week, same time, same place. 12:30PM to 2PM in Eisenhart 118. If you can't find us, we're right at the end of the hall, going towards the window facing the Student Center Building. Listen for the laughter and anime type noises.

Muse out.

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