Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 16th, 2011: Second Meeting

Lizzy (acting President of our lovely Anime Club) gave me the minutes to the last two meetings, which is pretty good for me and this blog. At least I can summarize what happened despite my absence. I took care of the minutes in the way the college wanted to. But now it’s my turn to tweak them on here, just for you.
Liz had started the meeting at 12.30PM, when club usually starts. Unless there’s a fire drill or someone is getting arrested, that is when we start. So be there. Anyway, when club begins, we usually start with a few AMVs (Anime Music Videos) to get warmed up for the main course that is an anime. “Hetalia_amv_parker” was shown first, followed by “Get On Your Knees and Pray” by Kitty Dog.
To find them, the link is HERE----->

Buuuut if you really can’t find them here, these AMVs are stored on Lizzy’s computer, which is not open to the world. So if you really want to see them, I’m sure Lizzy would be happy to give or show them to you.

And now, onto our pretty anime of the week:

I’m assuming this anime is floating around the web somewhere, somehow, somewhy… So Night Raid 1931 is about Shanghai in the year -wow, this was very difficult to guess :P- 1931, before the whole oh so lovely crapshoot that is known as World War II began. But at this time, the series follows a special organization -Like, military special. As in, the military had a murderous baby - called Sakurai Kikan. Yes, yes. We as watchers stalk the characters like creepy creepers. Each person on this team was brought on for their special skills and abilities. They each also have different powers. I personally (Secretary Jenna Langlois aka Muse) have not yet laid eyes on this anime, but it sounds pretty rockin’. When I find the time, this anime will be watched like a person that needs to be…watched… Anyway!

Episodes zero, one and two were watched. And I know what you’re thinking: ‘Zero? ZERO?! How the bumbleberry can someone watch an episode zero? How may I watch this creation?

Episode Zero is only available on the DVD and is a prologue to the rest of the series, of how the team had met up. Of course, it’s under the pretenses of women disappearing, when they’re just being plain old kidnapped so they can be sold into human trafficking. Hopefully, a lot of bad guy blood will be shed over such a dastardly thing. And another thing: none of the members of Sakurai have not a clue the other members are working on this until the end. I love when confusion happens. :D

Episode One is a mission to rescue a Japanese president from a Chinese military and Episode Two is about the group being sent to investigate a Jewish-Russian violinist, whom the Japanese Army suspects of being a spy leaking some very tippy top secrets. They are actually addressed as the Kwantung Army. But would you guys really know that without looking it up or are really into Japanese history and culture? I know I didn’t know. I wiki-ed the hell out of that. 

But yes, this is what was watched in Anime Club. And for other news, the secretary (aka this chick aka Muse aka Jenna) will actually be present for our next meeting, so minutes can be taken and I can provide a blog post where I actually went to the meeting. And look at how I pompously address myself in four different manners. How horrid D:

Until Friday, the 23rd of September, at 12.30PM, Muse out!

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