Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 23rd, 2011: Third Meeting

I’m beginning to see a pattern with Fridays. Every one I’ve encountered so far has been irritatingly ridiculous. But really, this isn’t the place for me to complain about my bad relationship with time. I’ll place that on my other blog. :P But you -my wonderful audience- want to know about what went down in Anime Club.

Request: Received.

Club began as usual -12.30PM- with the announcements from President Lizzy about the upcoming bake sale and with another question for the members aka you: What else would you want to do for future events and/or fundraisers? We do need to figure out some new, fun things to do for our club, for the campus and community. Car washes? Locker Pets (those are little plushies filled with potpourri aka good smelling mulch that can be put in your car also)? A raffle on something awesome like an iPod or a dinner for two?

We do bake sales and the roadside cleanup every year. Think about it and leave some suggestions.

This meeting Pres Lizzy and VP Chris brainstormed together to create the mental offspring that is known as: ANIME JEOPARDY! It was pretty cool. Of course, I didn’t participate (y’know, writing the going-ons takes up playtime lol But it’s my kind) but the rest of the present members broke into three groups, of six people to a team. The group in the first row named themselves Team Derp. The second group in the third row were called Team Trolls. The final team, waaay in the back row, were known as Team Genocidicles (This was my favorite team name, but I was cheering for Team Trolls). This game went on until about 1:20PM, when all questions were answered. Even I didn’t know some of them.

Don’t quote me on this, but the Final Jeopardy question was: “What are the names of the five types of martial arts?” At least, that is what I understood by the answers given. I have to work on listening and writing better. Anyway, Team Trolls was in the lead by 230 points, Team Genodicicles had 140 pts, and Team Derp had 90 pts. All teams gave up points, and tried their best to answer the question. Genocidicles only gave one correct answer, Trolls gave three correct, and Derp didn’t know. VP Chris told us the answers and Team Trolls was declared the winner. When Pres Lizzy asked the club if they wished to play Anime Jeopardy again, they all were into the idea.

After all was said and done, the next thing to do was watch an AMV. This week, “Hero (Anime Expo 2011)" was played. And for those who don’t know the song and want to know, it was “Hero” by Skillet. I didn’t catch that when I asked and everyone looked at me like I was something idiotic. Oh well. It’s kind of true. Enough though.

Onto our weekly anime of the week that’s weekly! (Week.)
Oh! Edo Rocket!

Oh! Edo Rocket! is a comedy about an Edo period firework maker named Seikichi whom wishes to create fireworks that no one has ever seen before. A girl then mysteriously appears in his house and requests him to build a firework so powerful that it reaches the moon. And it all takes place in a town where a No Fireworks policy has awakened and the police will arrest anyone who is involved with fireworks. There are crazy antics too, and who can argue crazy antics? I can’t. We were only able to watch the first episode, but it was very good. And history nuggets were inserted after the credits, considering the anime is placed during the Edo Period. I mean, that’s pretty awesome. An anime that’s silly and is educational? On a scale of dig to dug, this anime HAS BEEN DUG HARDCORE. I really do like it. I love ridiculous humor. It makes my day, and watching this anime should make yours.

And that, my friends, is this week’s Anime Update.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd I knew I almost forgot something. I was rereading and rereading and I couldn’t figure out what I had to add. Then I looked at this cute shopping site ( btw This place is awesome!) and then I remembered.

Henry Marshall (whom attended ACC and knows our President Lizzy) is selling off his anime collection. Here’s the info:

Chobits- 7 DVD Set for $45
Star Ocean EX- 6 DVD Set w/ pencilboard inserts for $40
Full Metal Panic- 7 DVD Set $45
Samurai X: Director’s Cut- 2 DVD Box Set for $25
Tenchi In Tokyo- 8 DVD Box Set for $30
Fullmetal Alchemist Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa (Limited Edition)- 2 DVD Box Set w/ all included extras for $25
Blue Gender- 9 DVD Box Set w/ “The Warrior” movie for $30
Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid- 4 DVD Set w/cardboard slipcases for $35
DN Angel- 5 DVD Box Set for $35
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World- 3 DVD set for $20

The bold italics are in the seller’s own words, and he lists the terms for buying his items:
All items from the personal collection are in mint/near mint condition. DVD Set refers to individual DVD cases. Box Set have the box included. Prices are negotiable, but I would like to get as close to my asking price as possible. I would like to avoid breaking up the sets, selling full sets only.
If you have any other questions, would like to discuss pricing or want to purchase something, feel free to contact me at:

And now, Muse is out.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 16th, 2011: Second Meeting

Lizzy (acting President of our lovely Anime Club) gave me the minutes to the last two meetings, which is pretty good for me and this blog. At least I can summarize what happened despite my absence. I took care of the minutes in the way the college wanted to. But now it’s my turn to tweak them on here, just for you.
Liz had started the meeting at 12.30PM, when club usually starts. Unless there’s a fire drill or someone is getting arrested, that is when we start. So be there. Anyway, when club begins, we usually start with a few AMVs (Anime Music Videos) to get warmed up for the main course that is an anime. “Hetalia_amv_parker” was shown first, followed by “Get On Your Knees and Pray” by Kitty Dog.
To find them, the link is HERE----->

Buuuut if you really can’t find them here, these AMVs are stored on Lizzy’s computer, which is not open to the world. So if you really want to see them, I’m sure Lizzy would be happy to give or show them to you.

And now, onto our pretty anime of the week:

I’m assuming this anime is floating around the web somewhere, somehow, somewhy… So Night Raid 1931 is about Shanghai in the year -wow, this was very difficult to guess :P- 1931, before the whole oh so lovely crapshoot that is known as World War II began. But at this time, the series follows a special organization -Like, military special. As in, the military had a murderous baby - called Sakurai Kikan. Yes, yes. We as watchers stalk the characters like creepy creepers. Each person on this team was brought on for their special skills and abilities. They each also have different powers. I personally (Secretary Jenna Langlois aka Muse) have not yet laid eyes on this anime, but it sounds pretty rockin’. When I find the time, this anime will be watched like a person that needs to be…watched… Anyway!

Episodes zero, one and two were watched. And I know what you’re thinking: ‘Zero? ZERO?! How the bumbleberry can someone watch an episode zero? How may I watch this creation?

Episode Zero is only available on the DVD and is a prologue to the rest of the series, of how the team had met up. Of course, it’s under the pretenses of women disappearing, when they’re just being plain old kidnapped so they can be sold into human trafficking. Hopefully, a lot of bad guy blood will be shed over such a dastardly thing. And another thing: none of the members of Sakurai have not a clue the other members are working on this until the end. I love when confusion happens. :D

Episode One is a mission to rescue a Japanese president from a Chinese military and Episode Two is about the group being sent to investigate a Jewish-Russian violinist, whom the Japanese Army suspects of being a spy leaking some very tippy top secrets. They are actually addressed as the Kwantung Army. But would you guys really know that without looking it up or are really into Japanese history and culture? I know I didn’t know. I wiki-ed the hell out of that. 

But yes, this is what was watched in Anime Club. And for other news, the secretary (aka this chick aka Muse aka Jenna) will actually be present for our next meeting, so minutes can be taken and I can provide a blog post where I actually went to the meeting. And look at how I pompously address myself in four different manners. How horrid D:

Until Friday, the 23rd of September, at 12.30PM, Muse out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

UGH. September 8th, 2011

Thanks to my naivety and foolish moronic tendencies, I have misinformed you, my lovely audience/readers/anime lovers. I hate miscalculations. Well, just assumptions. They are annoying entities that need to be pummeled into the ground so they could never make a fool of me again!
Apparently, Chris Pucheu (I knew there was an ‘e’ in there somewhere) is our royal Vice President, not the infamously quiet and honorable Cavan Gormley. I mean, how dare I. HOW DARE I?!
But I wanted to make this clarification and apologize for this falsehood. Cavan pointed it out and I wished to correct the wrong. And now, I’m off to partake in American-made Chinese food.

Until Friday, Muse out.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 9th, 2011: First Meeting and First Event

Lesson one about being the unofficial blogger for your college's anime club?

Be there the first day.

Of course, like most people nowadays, I have other obligations, such as working. And I was at my second job, a summer only position as a shoesalesman. I had to work Nine AM to Two-thirty PM, and Anime Club started at Twelve-thirty PM to Two PM. So you can see the dilemma. Well, actually, part of the dilemma was that there was were two openings in the Anime Club Council: Treasurer and Secretary. What better way for the unofficial blogger for the club to be more involved?

I'm friends with the President and VP (Lizzy Smith and Cavan Gormley respectively). And two or three days ago, the supervisor for the club, Jane (sorry ma'am, if you're reading this. I have yet to remember your last name), came to our regular hang out spot in the Student Center to talk to Liz. I heard a mention from one of them that a secretary was needed for club. I had been wanting to be a bigger part of the club for a while, and as a writer it would be a breeze to observe and record. So I let them know I wanted to be the secretary. Liz -the president- expressed positive to the idea of it.

The problem was, I had to be nominated and I thought I had to be there for it.

For the day's schedule, September 9th, 2011, -and according to Liz- club went on as planned, welcoming old and new members back, rules had been re-told, and some videos were watched. I don't think acutal anime episodes were watched that day. I left work two-thirty something and got there around quarter of three. Liz and our resident artist Kaci were working on the poster for the face painting we were about to do. Three-thirty, we were on our way down to the school's main parking lot, which had been cleared for the event. I asked Liz about the secretary position and she told me I was the official secretary. I guess I didn't have to be there. But now that I requested all Fridays off, I should be good to go.

Side note: For most of the week, I thought the face painting was going to take place at the Adirondak Balloon Festival. Apparently, though, there was another smaller Balloon Festival that happens a few weeks before the bigger ABF and it is held at SUNY Adirondack. Kaci and I had no clue it was being held at the school, and apparently Liz was in the dark about the location until the night before or during the day before. So there was some confusion there, and it cleared up quick.

Anyway, for the first hour I was there, Kaci, Liz and I spent half of it softening and stirring the nine year old face paint that the school provided and had only one customer, a little girl who had Kaci paint a butterfly on her hand. Before she came, Kaci had drawn a rainbow collection of stars on the side of Liz's face and a Furyu Nemuneko cat plush on the back of my hand. I named him Craig. He lasted for almost six hours and he will be dearly missed. Kaci did a great job.

Unfortunately and luckily I was kidnapped to go grocery shopping and to get ready to spend the night (it's only lucky because my boyfriend and my friend came to kidnap me ^-^) at a friend's house. Her name is Ebonie, and she is so awesome :) Actually, all my friends are awesome and I love them. Later that night when I saw Kaci and Liz, they both had orange stained fingers. Apparently, it had gotten really busy after I had left and they had requests from the little-uns to do tigers. A lot of tigers were painted that day.

I leave you now with the reminder that you should be there next week, same time, same place. 12:30PM to 2PM in Eisenhart 118. If you can't find us, we're right at the end of the hall, going towards the window facing the Student Center Building. Listen for the laughter and anime type noises.

Muse out.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Introduction

My first time I went to anime club wasn't as memorable as I first thought. Sure, I remember the excitement of walking through the door with a friend -whom now acts as Anime Club President Liz Smith- and looking at all the people who came to watch anime. How we all laughed at the AMVs and whatever anime we watched that day. I don't remember all the details. But I remember the fun there, the new friendships I made, that closeness and belonging I felt just by being in the same room with those people.

That's why I kept going back.

This is the unofficial blog about the weekly meetings of the SUNY Adirondack Anime Club (and whatever I wish to blog about that is anime-worthy). We meet every Friday, from 12.30PM to 2PM. Our club is about the promotion of everything anime/manga/Japanese/kawaii/actiony/weird/and such. So if you're and otaku or just a dude/chick who likes a couple of animes but likes having someone to talk to about them, come the Eisnhart Building, Room 118. If you're in a lecture hall with a couple of nerdy type people sitting in random spots while a dark haired girl up front is messing with the sound system, and you see some anime on the big screen, you're in the right place.

Our first unoffical meeting and official first even will be September 9th, at the Annual Balloon Festival of 2011. Anime Club members will be participating in Face Painting for the little ones aka the children of the world, or the ones that show up to see the hot air balloons take off. :P So if you want to help out, it goes from 3PM to 7PM. I'll repost this if there are any details I happened to leave out.

Now to get to the good stuff...Next blog of course. :)

But for now, I'll leave you guys with links to other wonderful blogs, with episode reviews of new, awesomely cute or awesome awesome anime.

Sea Slugs! Anime Blog
Kurogane's Anime Blog
T.H.A.T. Anime Blog
Star Crossed Anime Blog
Random Curiosity

Muse Out.